Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Birth Story

It maybe a little too late to share my birthing experience...it has been a while also i did not update my blog. why? i have been busy with getting ready to deliver and moving house at the same time..that triggered my delivery process. I had been so stress on the final week of my pregnancy; when i go for routine check-up on 29th Dec 2010, doctor said that my blood pressure was quite high and she afraid that it will keep increasing. I was only 1cm dilated that time. Dr Zalina suggested me to be induced on the same day itself but i refused for two good reasons. one; AFC final between Mas and Indo on that very night and two; i want to give sometimes for myself to maybe calm down and rooting for normal and natural birthing process. Dr Zalina made me promise to come again on the next morning to be warded and induced. DemiAllah, i was freaked out! i went home and enjoy myself to the max. watched football and having food feast. before i sleep, i played with baby boo in the tummy for the last few hours (i thought!). i barely sleep thinking what will happen tomorrow, how am i gonna deal with it, and knowing tomorrow i'll be seeing my long awaited baby girl excites me much.

The next morning, hubby and i had a serious talk session right after our prayers when i sit in front of hubby and look at him. Asking for his forgiveness with tears in my eyes. i ever reminded him "if i cannot make it through, please take care of our lil daughter..and yourself. please forgive me and halalkan makan minum i selama i jadi isteri u.." hubby just looked at me and said "no, you'll make it, you take care of me and we take care of our daughter together..btw,i forgive you and i halalkan semuanya"
On the way to hospital, i asked hubby how does he feel. He was quiet all the way; i supposed he's panic too. I keep on checking my checklist to make sure i did not forget anything and in my heart i recite "Rabbi yassir wala tuassir, rabbi tammim bilkhair.." again and again!

When we arrived in the hospital, we were given a double room as singles are all taken. I drink the air akar siti fatimah as they say it can ease the process. tell u what..it did not work fer me..hehe. after we got the room, the process starts..

10.30 a.m - i was induced.

2.30 p.m - i started to feel labor contractions. it started with mild bearable one where i can still laugh, take my lunch and fun chat with hubby. they put EFM device to check the baby boo's heart rate and contractions.

3.15 p.m - the contractions were getting stronger with 5 - 8mins interval. i was busy walking around maternity wards to ease the pain. if you wondering how the pain was (for first time mummy), imagine period pain (if u ever experienced period pain lah)but it's 100x. hubby went back home to take his t-shirts and toiletries (i wonder why he did not bring it from the beginning...guess he blanked out..haha).. Gg came and was in shock to see me squatting on the floor. Sakit!! The nurse came and did the VE (vaginal examination) and to my surprise i was only 1.5cm dilated. Damn! I told myself to be strong because i know it will be a looooooooong journey. prayed in my heart and keep telling baby boo to calm down and quickly make her way out. World is waiting baby!

4.30 - as the contractions were getting stronger (never the less), i made myself walk (again) around the maternity ward, see the same paintings and read (again) the same "thank you" cards from those who have delivered their baby here. But still, the pain was there. When hubby came, i asked him to massage my back... every time the contractions were at peak, i cry! the pain was unbearable. the nurse came and put on the EFM machine again. Just checking whether baby boo was distress or not. The nurse said i was having contractions every 5 mins..and they were the strong ones. "believe me, i know!" i said to the nurse.

7.30 - still not dilated. Dr Zalina came and asking whether i want the pain killer or not. i bravely said no. i want to keep it as natural as possible. I was induced and i dont need more drugs. Dr Zalina was shocked by my determination. and she said "saya belum jumpa lagi org yang dah sakit 5 jam tapi still taknak pain killer..but, i put your name in the list lah cause if u dont deliver tonight, you may need to take the pain killer to let u sleep and regenerate you energy for tomorrow BIG business" I was laughing in pain sambil Dr Zalina geleng2 kepala.

8.30 - 11.30 - I cant stand anymore. I asked hubby to massage again but it did not help at all. the nurse came in..another VE. 2cm! sakit macam nak gila baru 2cm? oh no! the nurse forced me to take pain killer, my mother in law who was there to accompany me agreed to the nurse and left me with no choice. i was thinking, maybe it's the best decision because i need to get enough rest to push tomorrow. i agreed and they push me to labour room and gave me injection. in less than 10secs, i lost conscious.

4.30 a.m - i was waken up by a very strong contractions and felt there's fluid coming out from my down there. thought i maybe passed urine in my sleep; i called nurse. she said "puan tak kencing, u are bleeding...". she was so calm and clean all "the mess" from my body. another VE (oh forgot to tell, everytime nurse or doctor do VE on me they couldnt find my servic opening so they have to go really deep inside to check the opening..i am traumatized!!!!.3cm..duh! "i need to assist the opening, u tahan sikit ye...(you can imagine yourself what she did). EFM was put again and my contarctions was like 2-3secs (yes secs) interval.i cant sleep. i drink and only took kurma all the while. i was all alone in the room. my eyes explored every single things and already have picture in my mind what;s going to happen in the next few hours.

6.30 - the nurse came in to check again. and this time she came with doctor suggestion to rupture my membrane or "pecahkan air ketuban"! after air ketuban pecah, masyaAllah, lagi sakit.. tears coming out from my eyes voluntarily...and non-stop. around 7.30a.m, nurse came in look after my hubby. i myself did not know where he was that time and i pretty sad that i was left enduring all the pain, alone!

8.30 - hubby came in and i dont have strength to talk. another VE, it was 4cm. alhamdulillah. hubby went out for breakfast and came back. i already dilated 5cm. this time i feel sakit perut memulas cam kena diarrhea. a mild urge to push.baby boo's heart beat is still normal. no sign of distress. dr zalina said "your baby very strong just like her mom..." memang kembang semangkuk, tapi sebab sakit i ignore je.

10.30 - dr came in. another VE..dah 5cm, sakit dah semacam! i was reciting a lotsa doa and talking nonsense to hubby. yet, the doctor said to nurse, "if 7cm, call me ok..i;ll be in my office.." i was like..wait..wait..where are you going doc????

11.30 - 12.30 - it's already 7cm, and dr zalina has been called. i feel the urge to push. i grip hubby's hand..i was all sweaty like a pig but i feel so cold. when the dr zalina came hubby was ready with cameras and i asked hubby's forgiveness one more time. when dr zalina did another VE it's nearly 10cm..and she said she can feel baby boo's head already. when it was 10cm, dr asked to push..i did my very best..but apparently it wasn't enough. controlled my breath and push again...and again..and again! i felt so called, i did not see anybody i just heard voices...push and push..i can feel when the doc did the incision. at last heard dr told hubby that baby boo's head senget a bit, she needs to use vacuum to assist. she vacuumed and at the same time i was pushing hard and tadaaaaaaa....the head is out..i felt loose and another urge to push coming and dusshhh..her body was out. dr zalina took her cord blood for stemlife storage. she was then put on my chest..i touched her wrinkled blue body and i feel amazed. the best feeling ever!!!!!!

it was indeed my longest 22 hours but it was paid-off...when i see my baby boo!

introducing baby boo to the world...

RAJA RAIQA ZAHIYA, 31/12/2010, 2.8kg and 48cm @ 12.37pm


  1. i've awarded you with an award =) check it out on my blog!

  2. thanks babe..err, i dont know how to link back lah!
